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What's a Deep Dental Cleaning, and Why Would I Need One?

Your house isn’t the only thing that could use a spring cleaning. As you tackle deep cleaning for the things around you during this time of year, don’t forget to turn an eye to your internal systems, too. Specifically, your mouth might be due for a deep cleaning. 

To determine if you need this type of oral health care, check your gums. If they’re red and tender or they bleed easily, it might be time to talk to Sandi E. Silva, DDS, and our team about a deep cleaning. With this type of treatment, we remove bacteria where it might be hiding under your gum line to fight periodontal (gum) disease

If your gums could use some attention, visit us at our office in Tustin, California.

When to schedule a deep cleaning

A deep cleaning allows Dr. Silva to clean below your gum line. 

Ideally, you would never need this type of service. Your gum should attach to your tooth all the way to the top. But gum disease can cause issues here. This very common type of disease affects almost half of Americans over the age of 30. 

When you have gum disease, bacteria from plaque attacks the tissue of your gums. This causes issues like:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bleeding

In its early stages, you can usually reverse gum disease with good at-home oral hygiene. But as it advances, it can cause your gums to detach from your teeth. This allows the bacteria in plaque to get under your gum line. And what’s where a deep cleaning comes in.

If your gums seem irritated and a couple of weeks of diligent brushing and flossing haven’t helped, talk to Dr. Silva about a deep cleaning. 

What a deep cleaning does for your gums and mouth

During a deep cleaning, Dr. Silva performs what’s called scaling and root planing

She uses specialized tools to reach down into any pockets that have formed between your gums and your teeth. This part of the process — the scaling — allows her to remove any bacteria that’s developed there. 

Once she finishes scaling your teeth, Dr. Silva planes the tooth roots. That means she smooths the tooth in any pockets. This encourages your gums to reattach to the tooth as quickly as possible. 

This deep cleaning process allows Dr. Silva to properly address the plaque that could otherwise make your gum disease worse. If you skip the deep cleaning and let the issue go unchecked, it can eventually lead to tooth loss. 

We can check your gums and see if you need a deep cleaning. For a thorough oral health evaluation, call our office or book your appointment online today.

Sandi Silva, DDS